Photo: Stephen Delas Heras
Artist Empowerment
Art has the power to change lives and now, more than ever, artists have the tools to take charge of their careers. What does it mean to be an empowered artist? How do you take full ownership of your artistic voice; define the meaning of success to you; embrace the diverse aspects of your career, and act as your own catalyst for growth? We believe in the spirit of independence and self-determination and we’re here to support the artist at every stage of his/her career.
Seminars and clinics:
Articulating Your Artistic Voice and Mission
How to Produce Your Own Show
How to Raise Funds for Your Show
The Value of Fiscal Sponsorship and its Limitations
Marketing and Promoting Your Show
How to Cultivate an Audience and Build Key Relationships
Starting and Running Your Own Non-Profit Dance/Theatre Co. (how-to; pros/cons; ins-outs)
Garnering Publicity and Reviews for Your Work
Branching Out: Being a Teaching Artist
Clinics in Music Recording and Production for the Independent Musician
Transforming Performance Anxiety: Tools for Peak Performance Under Pressure
Note: Seminars and clinics are not intended as legal, financial or mental health counseling or advice. If you are seeking counseling or advice please see a lawyer, financial advisor or healthcare provider.
Opportunities to Showcase Your Work:
A curated program of new works in dance.
A curated program of new works in theatre.
SOUND Asylum
A curated program of new works in music.
Girl on a Wire
A curated program of daring solo works by female dance/theatre artists telling deeply personal stories.
A performance series featuring interdisciplinary work in which the lines between dance and theatre are blurred. The works in this series elude label or genre.
Wild Heart Salon
A performance series open to all performing artists who want to share new work and take artistic risks before an audience.
Family & Friends
All of our students have year-round opportunities to perform and share their achievements with family and friends.
Performances take place in a low-tech studio setting, fully immersing the performers and audience in the raw energy of live performance. Most performances are followed by artist-audience Q&A.
Check back for application details and deadlines or join our mailing list"